lee sung-jae meaning in English
- Sol kyung - gu , lee sung - jae , kang shin - il
薛景求,李成宰,姜信一 - Lee sung - jae began his career as a tv actor , and gradually moved to the film industry . he became popular as his debut
李成宰拍摄电视剧出身,不久即投身电影界,凭著爱情倒后镜的精彩表现赢得各界注视。 - One of the major factors that leads to its success is probably the brilliant cast - sol kyung - gu and lee sung - jae . in fact , sol did manage to capture the blue dragon best actor award with his outstanding performance in this film
电影的焦点,多集中在两个男主角薛景求和李成宰身上,犹其薛景求刻意增肥拍摄此片,演出极为投入,并顺利凭此片荣获年度青奖最佳男主角奖项。 - His enemy is cho lee sung - jae , a witty and composed murderer who is terribly cold - blooded . the two characters are a total opposite . kang has a dirty mouth and a broken family , while cho always acts like a gentleman and has a lovely family
性格相反的一警一匪形成强烈对比, kang探员说话粗鲁,行事冲动,家庭破碎,但是富正义感,而且有锲而不舍精神cho举止斯文,行事谨慎,家有娇妻小儿,但是手段凶狠冷血,而且十分狡猾。